A prenatal paternity test establishes paternity while pregnant
A main reason to establish paternity while pregnant is to determine the father of a child as early as possible. More complex reasons may include access to legal and social benefits, establishing accurate medical histories, ensuring the biological father is involved in the pregnancy, and perhaps simply to strengthen the family bond, particularly between a father and child.
A prenatal paternity test establishes paternity while pregnant
A main reason to establish paternity while pregnant is to determine the father of a child as early as possible. More complex reasons may include access to legal and social benefits, establishing accurate medical histories, ensuring the biological father is involved in the pregnancy, and perhaps simply to strengthen the family bond, particularly between a father and child.
Amniocentesis: Performed during Weeks 9-20
A gynecologist inserts an ultrasound-guided needle through the wall of the abdomen of the mother and extracts a sample of fluid from the amniotic sac. For a test, it is a relatively lengthy procedure that can take up to 45 minutes. The growing baby sheds cells into the amniotic fluid,
Amniocentesis: Performed during Weeks 9-20
A gynecologist inserts an ultrasound-guided needle through the wall of the abdomen of the mother and extracts a sample of fluid from the amniotic sac. For a test, it is a relatively lengthy procedure that can take up to 45 minutes. The growing baby sheds cells into the amniotic fluid, which allows the DNA to be collected. Amniocentesis is primarily used to detect chromosome abnormalities and genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis and spina bifida, but since DNA is being collected in the process, it can be used for a prenatal paternity test. ADNLAB SRL is not providing the service of a gynecologist nor do we recommend any specific one. Our clients need to consult with their own gynecologist.Because this is a very delicate procedure that involves certain risks for the mother and / or the infant, we highly recommend to choose the best professional and not the cheapest one. The alleged Father needs to provide only a saliva sample that will be taken with buccal swabs. A probability of paternity is determined and a result is
than produced within seven business days.